Bolstered immunity

What is bolstered immunity?

The immune system is our body's defense against infection and disease. It is made up of different cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us. Bolstering immunity refers to taking steps to strengthen and enhance our immune response. This can help our bodies fight illness more effectively.

There are several ways we can help bolster immunity naturally:

Some people may be prone to weakened immunity for reasons like age, genetics, or health conditions/treatments. In these cases, doctors may recommend bolstering immunity through targeted interventions like:

In summary, bolstering immunity refers to supporting our immune systems through healthy lifestyle measures and interventions recommended by healthcare providers. Good sleep, nutrition, exercise and stress management provide a strong defense against illness and infection. Those vulnerable to infections may require extra immune support under medical supervision, such as supplements, probiotics or appropriate medications. Check with your physician if you have concerns about recurrent illnesses or weakened immunity. Protect yourself and your loved ones by taking proactive steps to build resilient immunity! Let us know if Hormone Health Clinic can help you on your wellness journey.

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