Chronic fatigue

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS, is a complex, long-term illness characterized by extreme and persistent fatigue that is not improved by rest. This debilitating fatigue significantly impacts a person's ability to carry out ordinary daily activities and often worsens with physical or mental activity.

Some key facts about chronic fatigue:

What causes chronic fatigue?

The exact causes of ME/CFS are still unknown, but some suspected factors include:

Ongoing research is exploring these potential mechanisms and working to identify biological markers to improve diagnosis and treatment. If you're struggling with low energy and other unexplained symptoms, consider getting your hormone levels tested! The expert physicians at Hormone Health Clinic provide cutting-edge testing and hormone treatments to help restore energy, vitality and quality of life for those with chronic illnesses.

How is chronic fatigue diagnosed and treated?

There are currently no FDA approved treatments for ME/CFS itself. Instead, management focuses on symptom relief and lifestyle changes to cope with the limitations it causes. Key treatment approaches include:

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