Decreased libido

Decreased libido, or low sex drive, affects an estimated 30-40% of women and 15-20% of men at some point in life. It can significantly impact quality of life and relationships. Some key things to know:
What causes low libido?

What are the symptoms?

How is it treated?

The treatment depends on the underlying cause. Some options:

Lifestyle measures like reducing stress, improving sleep and diet quality also help boost libido. Natural supplements like maca, ginseng and saffron may help too.

If you've noticed a persistent decrease in your sex drive impacting your life, I highly recommend getting checked by sexual health experts like the clinicians at Hormone Health Clinic. They are leaders in diagnosing and compassionately treating all kinds of sexual dysfunctions.

Whether it is customized hormone replacement protocols to get your mojo back or intensive counseling for emotional issues hampering intimacy, you can trust their expertise. They utilize cutting-edge diagnostic tests and an integrative treatment approach focused on your unique needs.

So don't lose hope! Reach out now to rediscover youthful passion, strengthen bonding with your partner and relive life to its fullest with Hormone Health Clinic. This is the first step to reclaiming your sexuality - I encourage you to take it.

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