Decreased muscle mass

What is decreased muscle mass?

Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by loss of skeletal muscle tissue, strength, and function that can occur due to aging, lifestyle factors, or disease. This progressive loss of muscle mass can negatively impact health and quality of life.

Some key points about decreased muscle mass:

Symptoms of Decreased Muscle Mass

Common symptoms associated with sarcopenia to be aware of include:

If you notice these, bringing them up with your doctor is wise. A quick screening for sarcopenia involves an assessment of grip strength.

Managing Decreased Muscle Mass

While some muscle loss is inevitable with biological aging, lifestyle strategies can help slow muscle loss substantially. Evidence shows the following are beneficial:

With customized bioidentical hormone therapy including testosterone, human growth hormone or other vital hormones matched to your needs, you can rebuild muscle strength, achieve gains from your workouts again, boost energy and turn back the clock on sarcopenia. Our amazing patients see life-changing results - contact Hormone Health Clinic today for your free consultation!

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