Estrogen dominance

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance occurs when there is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels in the body. This condition is quite common among women today due to various factors like diet, environmental toxins, stress and more.

Signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance include:

The main cause of estrogen dominance is believed to be our modern lifestyle and diet. Foods like commercially-raised meat and dairy that contain hormones and pesticides can lead to excess estrogen. Environmental toxins like BPA from plastics and parabens in body care products also contribute to the problem. Moreover, chronic stress leads to excess cortisol which inhibits progesterone production.

To treat this condition, it’s important to balance hormones naturally. Lifestyle changes like eating organic foods, exercising, managing stress and avoiding toxins can help a lot. Herbal and nutrient supplements like Vitex, Maca, Omega-3s and more also help to promote hormonal balance.

So if you suffer from irritating symptoms like mood swings, irregular cycles, bloating and more, don’t ignore them. Get them evaluated by your doctor or specialists like us to identify and treat the root hormonal imbalance. You don’t have to live with estrogen dominance - seek proper treatment and take control of your health today!

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