Hormone deficiency

What is hormone deficiency?

A hormone deficiency occurs when your body does not produce enough of a certain hormone. Hormones are chemicals made by glands and released into the bloodstream. They send signals to other parts of your body to help regulate bodily functions.

Some common hormone deficiencies include:

What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormone deficiencies can be primary or secondary.

How are hormone deficiencies diagnosed?

If symptoms suggest a possible hormone deficiency, a doctor will order blood tests to check hormone levels. Results outside the normal range indicate a deficiency may exist. They may also examine factors like age, risk factors, and medications being taken.

Additional tests can help pinpoint the location or cause of the deficiency in some cases. These may include MRI scans, genetic testing, or stimulation tests to see how well the glands respond.

How are hormone deficiencies treated?

Treatment depends on the specific hormone deficiency. Some options include:

If you think you may have a hormone deficiency, the experts at Hormone Health Clinic can help! Their cutting-edge diagnostic testing precisely pinpoints deficiencies. Custom treatment plans address imbalances through bioidentical hormones, nutrition plans, and holistic therapies. Contact them today to regain your vitality!

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