Hormone imbalance

What is hormone imbalance?

A hormone imbalance occurs when there are too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body. Hormones are crucial chemical messengers that regulate many essential biological functions like growth, metabolism, reproduction, mood, etc.

Some common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

There are various potential causes for hormonal imbalances such as:

If you suspect a hormone imbalance, it's important to see your doctor. They can run blood tests to check your hormone levels and help determine the underlying cause. Addressing lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, stress management and sleep quality is also beneficial.

In some cases, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be recommended to restore optimal hormone balance. This personalized therapy replenishes hormones the body lacks using plant-derived hormones identical to those naturally produced in the body.

At Hormone Health Clinic, our physicians specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to correct hormonal imbalances. With cutting-edge testing and precision dosing, we can restore healthy hormone levels to help you look and feel your best again.

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