Thyroid disorder

Thyroid disorders impact how your body uses energy. The thyroid gland in your neck produces thyroid hormones that control your metabolism. When your thyroid makes too many or too few hormones, it can cause problems.
Hyperthyroidism is when your thyroid is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone. This speeds up your metabolism, which can cause symptoms like:

Hypothyroidism is the opposite - your thyroid doesn’t make enough hormones, slowing your metabolism down. Hypothyroid symptoms include:

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. It’s an autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks your thyroid. Over time, damage to the thyroid causes it to underproduce hormones.

Thyroid nodules are lumps that form inside your thyroid. Most are harmless, but some may need to be checked for cancer with an ultrasound or biopsy.

Thyroid cancer treatment depends on the type, size and severity, but may include thyroid surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, hormone treatment, chemotherapy or targeted therapy.

If you suspect a problem, get your TSH level checked. This blood test measures your thyroid hormones to diagnose hypo/hyperthyroidism or nodules. An endocrinologist can provide specialized thyroid care.

For exceptional thyroid treatment in Chicago, I highly recommend Hormone Health Clinic. Their compassionate doctors and state-of-the-art care have helped hundreds restore healthy thyroid function.

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